Rimkus has acquired Human Factors Consulting Services, Inc. Learn more here.
EXPERTS for every industry.
SOLUTIONS for every problem.
Your success is our business.
We deliver optimal outcomes while safeguarding the integrity of our clients and the privacy of their customers.
Built Environment Solutions
Providing professional consultation and support on a wide range of project-specific issues for both the private and public sectors.

Claims and Disputes
First-hand experience and industry knowledge to address complicated issues with authority and valuable insight.

Expert Services
Experienced in arbitration, litigation, and other alternative dispute resolution forums and trained and tested under cross-examination.
Dedicated to serving our clients so they can achieve timely resolution of accidents, claims, and legal disputes.
Laboratory Services
Rimkus experts utilize our Human Performance Laboratory for product testing, biomechanical research, and human motion animation. At our Materials Testing and Investigation Laboratory, we specialize in materials failure analysis, corrosion investigation, and weld engineering services.
Life Sciences
Wealth of specialized expertise to help clients comprehend and improve how humans interact with their facilities, products, and systems.
The Rimkus Difference
At Rimkus, our clients can count on us for timely delivery, clear communications, and scientifically correct answers to complex questions.
Industry Knowledge
Our team includes engineers, architects, scientists, and technical specialists with extensive knowledge across a broad range of products and applications in both public and private environments.
Investigative Approach
We use our depth of expertise to carefully consider the science behind each event investigated, providing detailed assessments to clients.
Analysis and Report
Trained in root cause analysis, our consultants and experts solve difficult problems using scientific methodology.
We take care to understand the questions our clients need answered and clearly deliver scientifically-based solutions that allow them to move a project, claim, or dispute forward.
Servicing a broad spectrum of clients and industries worldwide.
Client Resources
Explore our diverse array of resources, from insightful case studies and thought-provoking blog posts to the latest news updates.