Expert Determination

Expert Determination

CCi experts can undertake preliminary assessments of claims and/or disputes prior to any formal proceedings such as mediation, arbitration, or litigation. Our experts can be appointed by companies or parties seeking independent expert determination on technical issues prior to formal dispute resolution processes. 

Why choose our Expert Determination services?

Industry-leading experts

Our experts are seasoned professionals with extensive experience in the construction industry. The expert appointed is chosen for their specific expertise related to the subject matter of the dispute, ensuring that the decision is based on a thorough understanding of the technical or specialised aspects of the issues in question.

Efficient and timely resolution

One of the advantages of expert determination is its potential for quick resolution. The process is typically less time-consuming than litigation or arbitration, making it an attractive option for parties seeking a prompt resolution.

Binding decision

The decision made by our expert is binding on the parties. It is a final and conclusive resolution of the technical aspects of the dispute, and the parties are obligated to abide by the determination.

Cost-effective alternative

Traditional dispute resolution can be expensive and time-consuming. Expert Determination offers a cost-effective alternative, allowing parties to resolve important issues prior to mediation, arbitration, or litigation, reducing expenses associated with these proceedings.

Contact us

Contact us to resolve construction disputes efficiently and effectively with our Expert Determination services. Our commitment to excellence, industry expertise, and tailored solutions make us the preferred choice for professionals seeking cost effective solutions to help settle project disputes.