Failure Analysis and Consulting Engineering Services

Analysing failures with our forensic and consulting engineering services

Before deciding what course of action to take when a project goes wrong, it is essential to understand how and why a failure has occurred. CCi provides forensic and consulting engineering services to help clients answer these questions and plan a response.

Our consultants understand the critical importance of maintaining structural integrity and safety within the construction industry. Unforeseen failures can not only lead to significant financial losses but also compromise the safety of individuals and the overall success of a construction project. Our Consulting Engineering services are designed to identify, analyse, and rectify potential failures in construction projects, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.

Our Failure Analysis services in the construction industry range from forensic root cause investigations to detailed assessments of design failures, workmanship issues, or latent defects. We are specialists in establishing what happened and why, working closely with clients to determine causation and identify potential targets for subrogation.

What is Failure Analysis in construction?

Failure Analysis in construction is a methodical process that investigates the causes of structural or material failures in construction projects. It entails examining components, materials, and systems to pinpoint the factors behind the failure and to extract lessons for future prevention. Utilising engineering principles, forensic techniques, and advanced testing methods, this approach assesses structural integrity, material properties, and environmental conditions. The objective of consulting engineering services is to improve the quality and safety of projects by informing design enhancements, best practices, and maintenance procedures. 

Our expertise

Structural failure analysis

Our team of experienced consultants specialise in analysing structural failures to determine the root cause. Our experts employ advanced techniques to assess the integrity of materials, construction methods, and design elements on bridges, buildings, or any other structure.

Material deficiency assessment

We investigate material deficiencies that may contribute to failures. Through in-depth analysis, we identify weaknesses in materials and provide recommendations for suitable replacements or reinforcements.

Construction process evaluation

Understanding that construction processes play a pivotal role in project success, our experts thoroughly evaluate methodologies, including scrutinising construction practices, adherence to industry standards, and the impact of external factors on the construction process.

Forensic engineering

In cases of unexpected failures, our consultants conduct detailed investigations to collect and analyse data to determine the cause of failures and whether they originate from structural design flaws, construction errors, or external influences.

Benefits of our Failure Analysis services

Risk mitigation

Our consulting engineering services identify and address potential failures early, reducing the risk of accidents, injuries, and financial losses. At CCi, we implement preventive measures for immediate safety and long-term project resilience.

Optimised performance

Dedicated to the longevity and optimal functionality of construction projects, our consulting engineering services involve in-depth analysis of structural elements, materials, and construction processes. We provide tailored recommendations for design improvements, material enhancements, and efficiency measures, contributing to issue resolution and project optimisation.

Regulatory compliance

At CCi, we conduct Failure Analysis with a commitment to regulatory compliance. We ensure our services align with and often exceed industry standards, offering clients confidence in project safety and quality benchmarks. Our meticulous analysis and documentation serve as evidence of legal compliance, providing insights into potential failures while minimising legal risks.

Expert recommendations

We provide expert, tailored solutions for construction projects. Beyond issue identification, our consultants craft solutions that rectify current challenges and include preventive strategies. By addressing root causes, we create plans which minimise the likelihood of future issues.

Contact us

Contact us to discuss how our Failure Analysis and Consulting Engineering expertise can contribute to the success and safety of your projects.