Dispute Resolution in Construction

Helping you to resolve disputes

At CCi, we understand that claims and disputes in construction can be costly, time-consuming, and detrimental to the progress of your project. Our construction dispute resolution services are designed to provide efficient, effective, and fair solutions to conflicts that may arise.

Our delay, quantum, and technical specialists’ incisive and objective analyses have resolved high-profile and complex global construction disputes for over 25 years. We always seek resolution before a case reaches litigation, arbitration, or adjudication. Our consultants carry out detailed forensic analysis to establish the liabilities and entitlements of all parties prior to preparing a construction dispute resolution strategy that aligns to our clients’ business objectives and contract entitlements.

Our expertise

Our team of specialists are experienced in the following areas of dispute resolution in construction:

  • Structured negotiation
  • Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE)
  • Tactical dispute management advice
  • Dispute management strategy implementation
  • Assistance in the preparation of pleadings
  • Factual witness statements
  • Compilation of evidence
  • Disclosure and discovery

Our approach to Dispute Resolution in construction

At CCi, we believe in proactive dispute resolution that prioritises collaboration and open communication. Our experienced team of professionals specialises in resolving claims and disputes in construction. We offer a range of services tailored to meet your specific needs, including:


Our skilled mediators act as independent third parties, facilitating constructive discussions between parties involved in a dispute. Through mediation, we aim to find mutually acceptable solutions, saving you time and money. This is our core aim for dispute resolution in construction. 


When parties cannot reach amicable settlement, arbitration offers a formal process to resolve claims and disputes. Our claims and dispute resolution consultants support expert witnesses to prepare for the arbitration process by assisting in the drafting of expert reports, and compiling evidence and disclosure documents. 


When urgent dispute resolution is required, our adjudication services can help to achieve swift decisions, enabling your project to continue without unnecessary delays.

Why choose CCi?

Industry expertise

Our team of industry experts understand the unique challenges and complexities of construction dispute resolution. We have a deep knowledge of construction contracts, industry standards and codes, industry knowledge, and specific understanding of the construction process. It’s this multidisciplinary skill set that allows our experts to navigate the complexities of construction disputes effectively.

Tailored solutions

We understand that every dispute is unique. Our approach is customised to suit the specific needs and circumstances of your case, ensuring you receive an integrated service that guides you towards resolution.

Contact us

Don’t let construction disputes disrupt your projects and business. Contact us to learn more about our construction dispute resolution services and how we can help you find a swift and equitable solution. 

Whilst we recognise that resolving disputes amicably may not always be feasible, we do provide a dispute avoidance service that is designed to minimise the likelihood of such occurrences from the outset.


7.5 Hectare Central Business District Development

CCi was appointed to quantify delay suffered to the construction of two commercial towers (43 and 39 floors respectively) in Sydney’s Central Business District (CBD) following a fire within the shared basement.


714MW Offshore Wind Farm

Supply delays relating to some of the turbine jackets were alleged to have resulted in a critical delay to the project.