Desalination Plant

Seven independent delay events were claimed to have impacted the critical path during the project to increase the desalination facilities’ annual output from 50 to 100 billion litres annually. Without formal delay preparation from the insured, CCi critically analysed the insured’s project schedules and contemporaneous progress records to independently verify the actual impact of the seven delay events over and above the delay that the project would have suffered without the seven incidents.


Tunnel Drive Project

A tunnel drive of several kilometres with associated shafts and bore pits encountered unexpected physical conditions.


MOPUstor Platform

Defects identified during the grouting of the platform’s jack-up system were claimed to be the reason behind termination of the project’s construction contract.

Auckland, New Zealand

Puhoi to Warkworth Motorway

CCi provided Independent delay expert service for the Contractor. The project was delivered through Public-Private Partnership between the New Zealand Government and the Northern Express Group (NX2) to design and construct a four-lane highway with a central median safety barrier.


187MW Hydro Power Plant

Following the collapse of the project’s headrace tunnel, CCi was appointed as the delay expert to produce an analysis that would eventually facilitate a mediated settlement.