187MW Hydro Power Plant

Following the collapse of the project’s headrace tunnel, CCi was appointed as the delay expert to produce an analysis that would eventually facilitate a mediated settlement. CCi used a combination of a windows analysis and a modelled hypothetical critical path to identify the difference between the project’s actual duration and the project’s ‘but for’ duration, had the tunnel’s defects been rectified immediately prior to the collapse.


Vanadium Mine

Following fire damage at the world’s largest vanadium mine, two divergent hypothetical timelines emerged relating to the redesigned reinstatement of the beneficiation process plant.


Crude Oil Refinery

Unprecedented rainfall caused significant damage to stored equipment at the world’s largest refining hub, with crude processing capacity of 1.24 million barrels per day.


730MW Ultra-supercritical Coal Fired Power Station

Originally suffering a catastrophic failure of the transformer, the project suffered several delay events, including 13 instances of damage.


61MW Onshore Wind Farm

The Super Grid Transformer suffered delay during transit which led to critical delays to the phased handover of the plant.