Combined Heat and Intelligent Power Plant (CHiP)

The Contractor entered into a D&B FIDIC form of contract and suffered over a year’s delay with the design, build and commissioning of the CHiP plant. CCi carried out an in-depth analysis tracing the design delays in respect of the employers operating philosophy of the plant, which linked to the delays suffered in construction and later the commissioning issues. CCi identified significant culpability and concurrency issues and, following advice, the two parties eventually settled.

North Sea


A Semi-Submersible brown field project, consisting of the conversion of a large exploration vessel to a production vessel overran in time and in money.


Tunnel Project

CCi was appointed by the tunnelling subcontractor as quantum expert and worked alongside the geotechnical expert to give an opinion on the losses incurred as a result of unforeseeable ground conditions.


Oil & Gas

At the procurement stage of an Oil Sands Project, worked with the Owner’s Supply Chain and Legal departments over two years to prepare requests for proposal and draft, negotiate and resolve construction contracts.


Roadway Project

CCi was appointed as expert to determine the time and quantum issues arising during construction.