275kV Infrastructure Project

CCi was appointed as the quantum expert on behalf of the contractor on a dispute between it and the conductor supplier involving an alleged defective conductor and the financial consequences of it. The CCi expert prepared draft, joint and final reports for the High Court litigation liaising with instructing solicitors, witnesses of fact and the QC. They also advised on the Part 36 offer that was ultimately accepted by the other party shortly before trial.

Saudi Arabia

Process Plant (acetic acid, CO & VAM)

Expert advisor – visiting the site in 2009/2010 and reviewing the Primavera critical path schedules to assess their reliability.


Bridge Project

Construction of a bridge spanning the Ohio River was delayed as a result of flooding from a high river event.


Tunnel Project

CCi was appointed by the tunnelling subcontractor as quantum expert and worked alongside the geotechnical expert to give an opinion on the losses incurred as a result of unforeseeable ground conditions.


2400MW Hydro Power Plant

Failure of the Auxiliary Diversion Tunnel (ADT) and subsequent flooding of the underground power complex caused severe delay to the completion of this project, resulting in fundamental changes in the design.