Humber Pipeline Tunnel

The construction of a 5km National Grid replacement tunnel 30m below the Humber Estuary supplying a quarter of the UK’s national gas became the largest and longest hydraulically inserted gas pipeline and was the heaviest moving man-made object. The JV Contractors suffered a year’s delay leading up to the launch of the Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM). CCi was engaged to forensically look at the reasons for the delays under the NEC3 form of contract. It resulted in the JV and National Grid negotiating a settlement as the works continued.

Cairns, Australia

Bruce Highway – Cairns Southern Access Corridor – Stage 3

CCi was engaged by the consortium contractor to review the collaborative project agreement (Contract), recommend a mechanism for time extension under the Contract, and assess the Contractor’s submitted extension of time and associated costs claim.


Crude Oil Refinery

Unprecedented rainfall caused significant damage to stored equipment at the world’s largest refining hub, with crude processing capacity of 1.24 million barrels per day.

Tamworth, Australia

Tamworth 330KV Capacitor Banks and SVC Works

CCi was engaged by the Subcontractor responsible for all civil and concrete works, to assess the contractual position in terms of extension of time entitlement and to produce a consolidated extension of time along with associated costs claim.


London Underground Line Extension Project (Crossrail)

CCI was appointed to provide commercial support and key performance and cost indicators to the executive board.