Potash Mine

A conveyor at a Potash mine that carried product to warehouses before it could be loaded onto trains and distributed to customers collapsed. The collapse required the actual conveyor to be rebuilt and repairs to one of the warehouses where the conveyor had collapsed through the roof. Due to operational preference, the Insured decided to rebuild the conveyor in a different configuration than what was presented prior to the event. The new configuration required additional permitting from regulatory bodies that would not have been required if the conveyor was rebuilt in the same configuration as before the collapse. CCi was retained to determine for Insurers whether the delays caused by the requirement to re-permit increased the interruption period being claimed by the Insured.


Roadway Project

CCi was appointed as expert to determine the time and quantum issues arising during construction.


Desalination Plant

Seven independent delay events were claimed to have impacted the critical path during the project to increase the desalination facilities’ annual output from 50 to 100 billion litres annually.


Power Station

A significant fire damaged large sections of a partially constructed Power Plant. The Insured ultimately completed the project 18 months late and submitted a DSU claim for 18 months.


Vanadium Mine

Following fire damage at the world’s largest vanadium mine, two divergent hypothetical timelines emerged relating to the redesigned reinstatement of the beneficiation process plant.