Light Railway Project

CCi was appointed as quantum and delay experts to provide opinion on delays and extensions of time, together with the assessment of the Final Account. The team ensured that the delay and extension of time analysis was presented in a way that clearly showed the delays and entitlements to time and was also readily usable in quantum assessments. The matter was on track for litigation but was settled in subsequent mediation in which the experts played a prominent role.



CCi conducted a thorough timeline analysis of events surrounding catastrophic storm damage, during which four of the FPSO’s anchor chains snapped and the vessel drifted 180m off station.


187MW Hydro Power Plant

Following the collapse of the project’s headrace tunnel, CCi was appointed as the delay expert to produce an analysis that would eventually facilitate a mediated settlement.


International Airport

Post-tender advice to specialist contractor on FIDIC Yellow Book 1999 provisions as amended by particular conditions regarding schedule of prices, change and valuation of change prior to executing contracts.


Subsea Production Umbilicals

Two damage events, both concerning cracking to the outer sheaths of the Umbilicals led to critical delay of the ‘load out’ milestone.