Underground Potash Mine

During commissioning of the mine, an underground inrush flooded the mine causing damage. CCi undertook the monitoring and support of the recovery plan created by the insured to re-establish the underground operations and provided advice to the insurers on the ‘but for’ position.

Tamworth, Australia

Tamworth 330KV Capacitor Banks and SVC Works

CCi was engaged by the Subcontractor responsible for all civil and concrete works, to assess the contractual position in terms of extension of time entitlement and to produce a consolidated extension of time along with associated costs claim.


Steel Plant

The exhaust pipe from the top of a steel furnace collapsed through the roof and required repair before the furnace could return to production.


Subsea Production Umbilicals

Two damage events, both concerning cracking to the outer sheaths of the Umbilicals led to critical delay of the ‘load out’ milestone.


1600MW Coal Fired Power Station

Following catastrophic failure of the ID fan, CCi was appointed to analyse the project’s rebuild schedule and to conduct a ‘health check’ assessing the schedule’s suitability with regards to supporting the overall project management process and assisting with the claim.